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20 May 2013
In this tutorial we will see how to deploy CDI beans contained in an external JAR file avoiding org.jboss.weld.exceptions.DeploymentException: WELD-001408 Unsatisfied dependencies for type [...] with qualifiers [@...] at injection point ... exception.
11 May 2013
In this tutorial you will learn how to open a modal popup (or dialog) from an Android home screen widget.
04 May 2013
In this tutorial you will learn how to use CDI Disposer methods in order to perform clean up of resources created by CDI Producer methods.
27 April 2013
In this tutorial you will learn how to use CDI Producer methods in order to provide a flexible bean initialization mechanism. Concepts like polymorphism, disambiguation and CDI scopes will also be discussed as we proceed in the tutorial.
20 April 2013
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Postfix together with OpenDKIM in order to send signed messages according to DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM).
13 April 2013
In this tutorial you will learn how to use ConversationScoped CDI beans.
06 April 2013
In this tutorial you will learn in detail about the distinct bean scopes provided by CDI and how to use them.
30 March 2013
In this tutorial you will learn how to configure Postfix integrated with Dovecot. Dovecot will be used for user authentication and POP3 service. We will also configure our services to be available over SSL.
About the author
Gonçalo Marques is a Software Engineer with several years of experience in software development and architecture definition. During this period his main focus was delivering software solutions in banking, telecommunications and governmental areas. He created the Bytes Lounge website with one ultimate goal: share his knowledge with the software development community. His main area of expertise is Java and open source.

GitHub profile:

He is also the author of the WiFi File Browser Android application: